Many homes are on small pieces of land or city apartments with no views of fields, large trees or parklands. One way to bring nature back into view is to decorate with a mural. Favourites include mountains & lakes, waterfalls, sunsets, forests or gardens for a panoramic view.
Mountains & Lakes, Canada Mural 2.7m high x 3.8m wide Code 8002
Key West Florida Sunset Mural 2.7m high x 3.8m wide Code 8028
Leafy Greens & Rapids Mural 2.7m high x 3.8m wide Code 8076
Glory, Finland Mural 2.7m high x 3.8m wide Code 8055
If you want to get very close to nature then there is the super sized flower close ups
Daffodils & Tulips at Sunset Mural 2.7m high x 3.8m wide Code 8057
Click here to see more murals including different sizes and other designs.
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